
Jesus calls us to feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and visit those imprisoned. With that call at the forefront of our ministries, the Saint James community actively participates in the following programs:

The Christ Iroquois Food Pantry

Saint James collects nonperishable food items for the Food Pantry at Iroquois Avenue Christ Lutheran Church where each week the congregation opens the doors of their food pantry to over 100 clients. At Saint James, we collect a designated nonperishable item for collection such as canned fruit, canned protein, or peanut butter. The resources we collect make a difference to reduce fight food insecurity. Each Friday, Christ Iroquois opens the doors of their food pantry to 100 or more clients. Baskets are in the welcoming area to collect your in-kind gifts.

Mittens for Detroit

Saint James is collecting new mittens and gloves for Mittens for Detroit, which collects, buys, and distributes items for children and adults in Detroit and other underserved communities in the area. Collections will be received through December 31. There is an area outside the nursery for any items you wish to donate, as well as a collection box near the office area.



Saint James regularly volunteers with Gleaners distribution center in Detroit where we pack produce or prepare inventory for delivery to various food pantries and food centers throughout the city. This is a great activity where families and friends can actively respond to Jesus’ call to feed the hungry. Keep an eye on the upcoming events for the next opportunity to get involved, especially as we strive to increase the number of times per year that we serve.